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Using any pour over, french press, aeropress, or almost any other coffee making method, you’d have to heat your water before getting started. The Moka Pot is a little different. You’ll want to start with cold water and about 5 to 6 grams of coffee.
Fill your Moka Pot up with cold water, stopping just when the water level reaches slightly beneath the neck of the pot.
Then, add your coffee in and stir gently.
Place your Moka Pot over a heat source like a burner on medium heat. When in doubt, choose a lower level of heat versus a higher level. Using too much heat can extract the coffee too quickly.
Take things slow and heat the moka pot until the coffee is foaming and the bubbles are just creeping over the sides of the pot. Then, remove the moka pot from heat for a few seconds until the foaming has subsided.
Return the moka pot to its heat source and repeat the process of letting the coffee foam and removing it from the heat source for a few seconds to allow it to settle.
You’ll never guess what we’re about to do. Yep, for the third and final time, return your mokha pot to its heat source, allow the coffee to foam, and remove it after it foams.
After completing your third boil, grab small glasses you’d use for espresso and serve. Wait a minute for the coffee to settle before taking your first sip. If you’re serving guests, remember to divide that coveted foam evenly. It’s one of our favorite parts of making coffee with the moka pot. Enjoy!